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Common Types of Business Owner or Partner Disputes and How to Resolve Them

 Posted on October 11, 2022 in Business Formation

Fort Worth business dispute lawyerBusiness disputes between owners and/or partners are not uncommon. While some disagreements can be resolved easily, others may require the help of a mediator or even legal intervention. The most important thing is to communicate openly and honestly with each other to try to reach a resolution. Below, we will discuss some of the most common types of business disputes and offer tips on how to resolve them.

1. Disagreements Over the Direction of the Business

One of the most common types of business disputes is disagreements over the direction of the business. This can happen when partners have different ideas about where the business should go or what it should do. If you find yourself in this type of dispute, it is important to try to see things from your partner's perspective and to compromise where possible. If you are unable to reach a resolution, you may need to seek outside help, such as from an attorney, mediator, or arbitrator.

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How a Single Provision in Your Will Can Protect a Loved One With Special Needs

 Posted on September 28, 2022 in Estate Planning

Fort Worth special needs trust attorneyHave you ever worked closely with a loved one to help them apply for government assistance programs? If you have, you undoubtedly noticed that a large number of such programs have qualifying criteria that include limits on personal assets and income. Such requirements were generally put in place to ensure that the programs in question served those with the greatest need, but these limits have had unintended consequences for many families.

A good example of this is when a person who receives benefits through Medicaid, Social Security, and other income-limited programs is named as a beneficiary in another person’s will. It may come as a surprise to learn that a one-time transfer of assets—as is usually the case with an inheritance—could have a negative effect on the beneficiary’s continued eligibility for the government benefits on which they might have come to rely.

A Quick Look at Government Aid Programs

Government-funded aid programs are nearly everywhere today, and many have been serving citizens for decades. Some of them even trace all the way to the “New Deal” from the 1930s—the government-led effort to aid in recovery from the Great Depression. If you pay any attention to politics, you know that these types of programs are often debated, as lawmakers have trouble agreeing about their funding and future. It is almost impossible to deny, however, that government benefits are highly useful for people who truly need medical care and financial assistance.

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When to Think About Naming a New Executor for Your Estate

 Posted on September 17, 2022 in Estate Planning

Fort Worth estate planning lawyerA last will and testament is often the basis for a comprehensive estate plan. You probably realize that your will can include a number of provisions to distribute your assets to those you have chosen as your heirs, and you can make arrangements regarding how your minor children will be cared for in your will as well. However, one of the most important parts of your will is the selection of a person or entity to serve as your executor. Under Texas law, your estate’s executor is in charge of managing your estate and making sure that your wishes regarding your assets and property are followed.

Once you have chosen an executor, however, your work in this regard is not necessarily done, especially as more time passes after the establishment of your will. There are a few situations in which you might consider someone else to serve as your executor - here are just a few. 

Major Life Changes

The Greek thinker Heraclitus is credited with the ancient maxim about the only constant thing in life being change. This reality proves itself every day as we get older. Your current situation might be dramatically different from when you first created your will and named someone to serve as your executor. Significant life changes, such as a divorce, the death of a child or spouse, or moving to a new state, could make a complete revamp of your estate plan necessary, including your choice of executor. The individual that you originally appointed to that role might no longer be in your life, or he or she might live too far away to manage your estate effectively.

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How to Talk to Your Aging Parents About Estate Planning

 Posted on August 04, 2022 in Uncategorized

Fort Worth estate planning lawyerEveryone can benefit from having a comprehensive estate plan in place. In addition to giving a person and their family the peace of mind that their final wishes will be fulfilled, estate planning offers the opportunity for someone to examine their financial needs and assets in order to plan for the future. An estate plan usually includes a last will and testament and can also include a living trust, power of attorney, health care proxy, living will, instructions concerning life insurance, a business succession plan, and more.

At our firm, we have helped hundreds of clients create estate plans with varying degrees of complexity. We have also received many questions from individuals wondering how to approach the topic of estate planning with their aging parents. It is not always easy to initiate such discussions, but doing so is important for the security of your family.

Intestate Succession

If you have parents who are getting older but do not have an estate plan, you may be concerned as to how their end-of-life decisions will be made and how their assets will be distributed after their death. When an individual dies without having executed a valid will, the contents of his or her estate will be distributed to eligible heirs through "intestate succession." The specifics of intestate succession vary slightly by state, and such laws can be quite complicated in certain situations. Put another way, if a person does not make their own decisions about their property, the state will do it for them. Of course, most people would not choose to surrender those decisions to the state, but by not having an estate plan, they are doing just that.

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The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning

 Posted on July 21, 2022 in Uncategorized

fort worth estate planning lawyerIf you have begun thinking about creating an estate plan, there is a good chance you have seen at least a few ads for self-serve estate planning or will creation services. When you first see the advertisements, it is easy to believe that such services will save you money, time, and stress. The ads might even outright claim that you do not need an attorney to develop your estate plan.

The bad news is that online document generators and DIY estate planning services lead many people into serious mistakes. These mistakes can cost a great deal in lost money, time, and frustration not only for the creators of the estate plan but also for the loved ones they leave behind.

Why You Need a Lawyer

There is no law in Texas that says you must work with an attorney to create an estate plan. However, DIY estate planning services try to “help” as many people as possible by being a “one-size-fits-most” approach. A DIY site might offer basic estate planning documents such as wills, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives. Unfortunately, the basics are often insufficient to properly address your needs. When you work with a qualified lawyer, your attorney will help you explore all of your options—including lesser-known and more complicated instruments—so that you can make the best possible decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

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Understanding ADA Guidelines as a New Business Owner

 Posted on July 11, 2022 in Uncategorized

fort-worth-business-formation-attorney.jpgIn 1990, the U.S. Congress passed a historic bill into law that would forever change business: the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This law effectively enforces the civil rights and needs of people with disabilities. Before this law was passed, horror stories existed of inaccessible mobility for those bound to wheelchairs. Unfortunately, some people were forced to get out of their wheelchairs and crawl up stairs to schoolhouses and courtrooms. Buses also used to be inaccessible because there were no lifts available. Furthermore, grocery shopping was nearly impossible without someone tagging along to assist, as shelves were stocked to the ceiling. 

Since the passing of the ADA, life has become a bit easier for disabled customers and employees, and business owners are often happy to comply with ADA guidelines. However, sometimes new businesses may not realize the extent of the Americans with Disabilities Act policies and have trouble conforming.

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Business Contract Litigation: Remedies for Breach of Contract

 Posted on June 22, 2022 in Uncategorized

tarrant-county-business-litigation-lawyer.jpgContracts play an important role in a business’s ability to operate successfully. When a business makes a deal with a vendor, a client, its employees, or other parties, everyone who signs the agreement is expected to hold up their end of the bargain. Unfortunately, there are many cases where contract breaches occur, such as when a company fails to complete work on time after receiving payment. While it may sometimes be possible to resolve disagreements about contracts through communication or negotiation, a party that suffered losses because of a breach of contract may pursue litigation to address these issues. In these situations, it is important to understand the orders that may be made by a court to correct the breach.

Common Remedies in Breach of Contract Cases

To succeed in contract litigation, one party to a contract will need to meet certain requirements, including demonstrating that the contract was legally valid, that the other party failed to meet some or all of their requirements, and that they suffered losses or other damages as a result of the breach. If a plaintiff can prove all of these elements, the court may impose certain penalties or requirements on the party that breached the contract (the defendant).

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What Elderly People Need to Consider When Creating or Updating a Will

 Posted on June 08, 2022 in Uncategorized

tarrant-county-estate-planning-attorney.jpgA last will and testament is one of the foundational elements of a comprehensive estate plan. A person’s will details decisions about how the property they own should be passed to their heirs after their death. Seniors who are entering their twilight years will often be looking to make plans for how to address different assets they own, distribute property to their loved ones, and ensure that their wishes will be followed after their death. When creating a will or making changes to a will that had previously been created, a person will need to make sure to understand the legal issues that they may need to address.

Key Considerations in a Last Will and Testament

It is important to understand how different types of property will be considered during the probate and estate administration process. Seniors will need to take a complete inventory of their assets and debts before they will be able to make decisions about how the distribution of their property will be handled. Some different types of assets to consider include:

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Incapacity Planning: Creating a Medical Power of Attorney

 Posted on May 19, 2022 in Uncategorized

fort-worth-estate-planning-lawyer.jpgIn many cases, estate planning is focused on making decisions about what should happen after a person’s death. While this is an important issue to address, a family may also need to consider issues related to a person’s medical treatment and personal needs as they reach an advanced age. This aspect of estate planning is known as incapacity planning, since it will address how decisions will be made in any situations where a person becomes incapacitated, meaning that they cannot make decisions for themselves or cannot express their wishes to others. One of the key tools used for incapacity planning is a medical power of attorney.

Addressing Health Issues Through a Power of Attorney

In a power of attorney agreement, a person will name someone who will be allowed to make decisions for them. This person is known as their agent. When creating a power of attorney, a person will want to choose a person they trust to serve as their agent, such as an immediate family member or a close friend. 

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Should I Establish Guardianship for My Elderly Loved One?

 Posted on May 06, 2022 in Uncategorized

tarrant-county-estate-planning-lawyer.jpgA family may need to address multiple issues related to the needs of a person as they get older. Seniors can sometimes struggle to handle concerns related to their health, their finances, and their day-to-day needs. In these situations, other family members will often be able to step in, offer assistance, or even provide a home and round-the-clock care to address medical and personal concerns. When doing so, a person may be unsure about the best steps to take to ensure that they will have the right to make decisions on behalf of their loved one. By consulting with an attorney who can provide guidance in matters related to estate planning and elder law, a family can determine whether establishing guardianship may be the right choice in their situation.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Guardianship

Texas law allows a person to be named as someone’s legal guardian, which will give them the right to make certain decisions, as well as the responsibility to act in the best interests of the ward and provide for their ongoing needs. To establish guardianship, a person will need to file a petition in court, and their request will typically only be granted if there is evidence that the proposed ward is incapacitated, meaning that they are unable to fully provide for their own personal, medical, or financial needs. An examination by a doctor may be required to determine the person’s mental state and physical abilities, and a court hearing will be held where a judge will decide whether guardianship is necessary.

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